Center for Global Learning

Integrating global perspectives into the education of every W&L student.

smbw designed this facility for 21st century learning serves as a hub, drawing from across the W&L and Lexington communities. The Center connects classrooms to global partners in real time, sustaining communication with students, faculty and colleagues abroad, and expanding W&L’s range of collaboration around the world.

Project Profile Coming Soon

Classrooms, Cafe, &
Meeting Spaces

Market: Higher Education

Location: Lexington

Size: 33,000 SF

Year Completed: 2016


The Center for Global Learning serves as an educational resource and a portal opening onto world events. W&L’s window on the world showcases interdisciplinary, cross-cultural approaches to learning.

It incorporates innovative technologies and spaces to promote engagement with ideas and with people, on campus and beyond, fulfilling W&L’s mission of preparing graduates for “engaged citizenship in a global and diverse society.”


Liberty University Athletics Center


University of Richmond Queally Center for Admissions